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St Joseph & St James's Primary School, Poyntzpass

Primary 6/7

Welcome to Primary 6 and 7! 

We are going to have a wonderful year with our class teacher Mrs Shortt. We are looking forward to all the fun activities and experiences we will be having this year.

In P6/7 pupils are encouraged to become independent learners who can employ self-help strategies and apply their skills to real-life situations.

We are really enjoying our class novel and love to take part in hot seating and class debates about the main characters.  We are looking forward to our class project this term in World Around Us on The Victorians and their inventions.

We also love to participate in mental maths activities and games, both practically and online, to keep our maths skills really sharp.

Each day, we really love to go outside for fifteen minutes and complete 'The Daily Mile' challenge, this helps to keep our mind and body healthy and active.

In Primary 7 the children also begin their journey of becoming full members of the Catholic Church as they aim to receive the Gifts and display the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. In partnership with their families, the school and the parish, children are encouraged to strengthen their own personal relationship with God as they prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation in the third term.

As senior members of the school, we will be working hard to be wonderful ambassadors for our school community.  

Please keep checking our class page to see how we are getting on. 



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St. Joseph and St. James’s P.S. community bid a fond farewell to our class...
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