Mrs C. Wadsworth
Principal, P1 Teacher, SENCO, Assessment Coordinator, Shared Education Coordinator.
Mrs Crawley
P1 - Class teacher (Principal release)
Mrs D Sloan
P2/3 Class teacher and ICT Coordinator.
Mrs L McCooey
P4 Class teacher, Senior teacher - Early Years/K.S.1 -Designated Teacher for Child Protection and Numeracy Coordinator.
Mr J O'Hagan
Primary 5/6 teacher. ICT Coordinator for K.S.2
Mrs M Shortt
Primary 6/7 teacher. Senior teacher KS2. Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection. Literacy/Religion and WAU Coordinator.
Mrs S Allen
P1 Classroom Assistant
Mrs B Gren
SEN Classroom Assistant
Mrs I Canavan
P6 SEN Classroom Assistant
Mrs H Hamill
P2/3 SEN Classroom Assistant
Mrs M Greer
Building Supervisor
Mrs L Morrow
Executive Officer
Mrs M Conway
St Joseph & St James's Primary School, 34 Chapel St, Poyntzpass, Co Down BT35 6SY Phone: 028 3831 8261