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St Joseph & St James's Primary School, Poyntzpass

Play Through the Ages

1st Apr 2019

Maeve from Playboard NI led the sessions
Maeve from Playboard NI led the sessions
The Sailor went to sea, sea, sea...
The Sailor went to sea, sea, sea...
On the hillside, stands a lady...
On the hillside, stands a lady...
When I was young...
When I was young...
Parachute games
Parachute games
Who's winning?
Who's winning?
My turn.
My turn.
Teddy bear, teddy bear...
Teddy bear, teddy bear...
Joan from the Council
Joan from the Council
Here's how to play hopscotch...
Here's how to play hopscotch...
Two ball
Two ball
Capturing our thoughts
Capturing our thoughts
Two ball with Granny
Two ball with Granny
The Farmer wants a wife...
The Farmer wants a wife...
And the Nurse wants a child...
And the Nurse wants a child...
Time to say thank you to Maeve from Playboard
Time to say thank you to Maeve from Playboard