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St Joseph & St James's Primary School, Poyntzpass

3 books for the price of 2 - Travelling Book Fair arrives!

19th May 2021

We are pleased to have the Travelling Book Fair return to our school from Thursday 20th – Wednesday 26th May, with a special offer of 3 for the price of 2! 

You can view here the list of books available, though, as always, the children will be taken by their class teacher to view the actual books in school. Please only choose your titles from the selection on the list- and do be aware that it is the lowest price book which is free.

Record your chosen books on the order form (a hard copy will be sent home with the children).

To pay online, use our schools unique parent payment link:

Record the transaction details on the form then return it to school. We will then supply the books from the Book Fair.

We do hope to have your generous support for this bi-annual event. Not only are you giving your children the gift of reading, but through the commission we receive, you are helping us add to our reading stock in school.

Many thanks, and happy reading!