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St Joseph & St James's Primary School, Poyntzpass

Hello from Mrs Doran

2nd Apr 2020

I wish to congratulate you all on the start you have made to Home School Learning.  Please make contact with myself or the class teacher if you are struggling and we will do our very best to help you.  Could I ask everyone to download the Seesaw app; we will be using this more frequently.  However, I have asked staff not to bombard you with too much information as this may become confusing.

We know that the children are missing each other, so please feel free to send photos and we can upload them to the school website so the children can see what everyone is doing at home.  Don't feel under pressure to do this, I know that you are all doing so much already.

After the Easter break, please Seesaw one piece of Literacy and Numeracy each week to your class teacher.  The teachers will provide feedback to your child which is every important and will help to keep them motivated.

Teachers are working hard to plan and prepare Home Learning packs for after Easter.  These packs will be more structured and include new topics that we would be teaching in term 3.  I will be providing more information on this next week. 

Can I finally thank you the parents and the staff for the unbelievable way you are all working together in this new environment.  It would appear that things are going to become even more difficult and I ask you to continue to pray with your children on a daily basis.  This Sunday is Palm Sunday; the feast day commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Please take time to discuss this with your children and use the Grow in Love website resources (in the Home Learning Tab) to teach children about Holy Week.

Take care,

Mrs Doran